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Zen Chic Color Chart


A few years ago, I was honoured to be "Quilter of Distinction" at the Festival of Quilts at Heritage Park in Calgary. Because of that, many family members came to see my display and hang around the park with me. My brother and sister-in-law even came from Ontario. While wandering around the merchant's mall, my s-i-l, Cyndi, picked up a kit and took it home to quilt. Since then, every time I woud go to visit them in Ontario, I would ask her how it's coming along and we would work on it for an hour or so. Nothing would happen on the quilt between my visits!

This June, I went to the SAQA conference and was stuck there for an extra two days (airline problems). I would have to entertain myself so I asked for the quilt and I put it together while I was there and took it home to finish. I feel so much better now. It's done and Cyndi has her quilt. Here it is:


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